




typedef struct
word idreserved; // reserved (must be 0)
word idtype; // resource type (1 for icons)
word idcount; // how many images?
icondirentry identries[1]; // an entry for each image (idcount of 'em)
} icondir, *lpicondir;

Public Type icondir
idreserved As Integer '; word // reserved (must be 0):保留字必须是0
idtype As Integer '; word // resource type (1 for icons):资源类型,1是图标,2就是光标了?
idcount As Integer '; word // how many images?:有几个图像资源
identries() As icondirentry ' [1]'icondirentry; // an entry for each image (idcount of 'em):每个图像的入口定义
End Type

idreserved As Integer
idtype As Integer
idcount As Integer

1.1 icondirentry结构,图标资源索引目录结构。

typedef struct
byte bwidth; // width, in pixels, of the image
byte bheight; // height, in pixels, of the image
byte bcolorcount; // number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp)
byte breserved; // reserved ( must be 0)
word wplanes; // color planes
word wbitcount; // bits per pixel
dword dwbytesinres; // how many bytes in this resource?
dword dwimageoffset; // where in the file is this image?
} icondirentry, *lpicondirentry;

Public Type icondirentry
bwidth As Byte ';byte // width, in pixels, of the image:图像宽度,以象素为单位。一个字节
bheight As Byte ';byte // height, in pixels, of the image:图像高度,以象素为单位。一个字节
bcolorcount As Byte ';byte // number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp):图像中的颜色数(如果是>=8bpp的位图则为0)
breserved As Byte ';byte // reserved ( must be 0):保留字必须是0
wplanes As Integer ';word // color planes:为目标设备说明位面数,其值将总是被设为1
wbitcount As Integer ';word // bits per pixel:每象素所占位数。
dwbytesinres As Long ';dword // how many bytes in this resource?:这份资源所占字节数
dwimageoffset As Long ' ;dword // where in the file is this image?:图像数据(iconimage)起点偏移位置。
End Type ' icondirentry



typdef struct
bitmapinfoheader icheader; // dib header
rgbquad iccolors[1]; // color table
byte icxor[1]; // dib bits for xor mask
byte icand[1]; // dib bits for and mask
} iconimage, *lpiconimage;

Public Type iconimage '{
icheader As bmih ';DIB位图信息头:bitmapinfoheader // dib header,注:bmih 是我简化了bitmapinfoheader的名称。
' used: bisize, biwidth, biheight(xorH+andH)即2倍高度, biplanes, bibitcount, bisizeimage.
'all other members must be 0.
iccolors() As rgbq '[1]';色彩表:rgbquad // color table
icxor() As Byte '[1];byte // dib bits for xor mask:DIB结构的图像数据。XOR掩码?
icand() As Byte '[1];byte // dib bits for and mask:DIB结构的图像数据。AND掩码?1bpp
End Type '} iconimage

其中的icheader采用的是DIB结构的BMP文件(常用)的位图信息头的定义类型(参见BMP文件结构分析),但是其中使用的关键变量只用到:bisize, biwidth, biheight, biplanes, bibitcount, bisizeimage.几个,其他变量必须为0。其中的biheight变量和BMP文件里稍有不同,在BMP文件里,该变量指的是文件的高度象素量,而在ICON文件里,可能由于采用了两段掩码图像数据的缘故,该变量的值一般设定为高度象素量的2倍。
色彩表iccolors的尺寸由文件使用的色彩数量决定,对于16色的图像数据为:iccolors(0 to 15),对于256色的图像数据为:iccolors(0 to 255)。但这个数量不是绝对的,

最后定义的时候还是应该由icheader中的bisize, biwidth, biheight, bibitcount变量和索引目录中的dwbytesinres计算得出 =(dwbytesinres - biSize - AndMaskall - (biHeight / 2) * Lb)/4 ' 其中AndMaskall为1bpp那段掩码的尺寸,Lb为每行象素所占的字节数。
icxor数据尺寸为Lb乘以图标高度(biHeight / 2)。icand尺寸为1bpp的掩码数据段每行所占字节数乘以图标高度(biHeight / 2)。
每行象素所占字节数 =((icheader.biWidth * icheader.biBitCount + 31) And &HFFFFFFE0) \ 8 ,是4的倍数,象素位数不够4倍数的用&H00补齐。

' AND位掩码 XOR位掩码 显示'
' -------------------------------------------'
' 0 0 黑色'
' 0 0-F 调色板指定色'
' 1 0 屏幕,透明'
' 1 1 屏幕的反色,一般不用。

2.1 DIB位图信息头:bitmapinfoheader:icheader As bmih

typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER { /* bmih */
DWORD biSize;
LONG biWidth;
LONG biHeight;
WORD biPlanes;
WORD biBitCount;
DWORD biCompression;
DWORD biSizeImage;
LONG biXPelsPerMeter;
LONG biYPelsPerMeter;
DWORD biClrUsed;
DWORD biClrImportant;

Public Type bmih 'BITMAPINFOHEADER ,bmiHeader;
biSize As Long 'DWORD ;Bitmap Header Size,BITMAPINFOHEADER段尺寸。*
biWidth As Long 'LONG ;Width 1 dword 位图的宽度,以象素为单位*
biHeight As Long 'LONG ;Height 1 dword 位图的高度,以象素为单位*
biPlanes As Integer 'WORD ;Planes 1 word 位图的位面数(注:该值将总是1)*
biBitCount As Integer ';WORD;Bits Per Pixel,每个象素的位数*
biCompression As Long ';DWORD,Compression,压缩说明:
biSizeImage As Long ';DWORD;Bitmap Data Size 1 dword 用字节数表示的位图数据的大小。该数必须是4的倍数*
biXPelsPerMeter As Long ';LONG;HResolution 1 dword 用象素/米表示的水平分辨率
biYPelsPerMeter As Long ';LONG;VResolution 1 dword 用象素/米表示的垂直分辨率
biClrUsed As Long ';DWORD;Colors 1 dword 位图使用的颜色数。如8-比特/象素表示为100h或者 256.
biClrImportant As Long ';DWORD;Important Colors 1 dword 指定重要的颜色数。当该域的值等于颜色数时(或者等于0时),表示所有颜色都一样重要
End Type

在ICON文件中使用的关键变量只用到: bisize, biwidth, biheight, biplanes, bibitcount, bisizeimage .几个,其他变量必须为0。biheight变量的值为高度象素量的2倍。


2.2色彩表:rgbquad:iccolors() As rgbq


typedef struct tagRGBQUAD { /* rgbq */
BYTE rgbBlue;
BYTE rgbGreen;
BYTE rgbRed;
BYTE rgbReserved;

Public Type rgbq 'RGBQUAD, bmiColors[];
rgbBlue As Byte ' 指定蓝色强度
rgbGreen As Byte ' 指定绿色强度
rgbRed As Byte ' 指定红色强度
rgbReserved As Byte ' 保留,设置为0
End Type



Public Type icondirentry
bwidth As Byte ';byte // width, in pixels, of the image:图像宽度,以象素为单位。一个字节
bheight As Byte ';byte // height, in pixels, of the image:图像高度,以象素为单位。一个字节
bcolorcount As Byte ';byte // number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp):图像中的颜色数(如果是>=8bpp的位图则为0)
breserved As Byte ';byte // reserved ( must be 0):保留字必须是0
wplanes As Integer ';word // color planes:为目标设备说明位面数,其值将总是被设为1
wbitcount As Integer ';word // bits per pixel:每象素所占位数。
dwbytesinres As Long ';dword // how many bytes in this resource?:这份资源所占字节数
dwimageoffset As Long ';dword // where in the file is this image?:图像数据(iconimage)起点偏移位置。
End Type ' icondirentry

Public Type icondir
idreserved As Integer '; word // reserved (must be 0):保留字必须是0
idtype As Integer '; word // resource type (1 for icons):资源类型,1是图标,2就是光标了?
idcount As Integer '; word // how many images?:有几个图像
identries() As icondirentry '[1]'icondirentry; // an entry for each image (idcount of 'em):每个图像的入口定义
End Type

Public Type bmih 'BITMAPINFOHEADER ,bmiHeader;
biSize As Long 'DWORD ;Bitmap Header Size,BITMAPINFOHEADER段尺寸。*
biWidth As Long 'LONG ;Width 1 dword 位图的宽度,以象素为单位*
biHeight As Long 'LONG ;Height 1 dword 位图的高度,以象素为单位*
biPlanes As Integer 'WORD ;Planes 1 word 位图的位面数(注:该值将总是1)*
biBitCount As Integer ';WORD;Bits Per Pixel,每个象素的位数*
biCompression As Long ';DWORD,Compression,压缩说明:
biSizeImage As Long ';DWORD;Bitmap Data Size 1 dword 用字节数表示的位图数据的大小。该数必须是4的倍数*
biXPelsPerMeter As Long ';LONG;HResolution 1 dword 用象素/米表示的水平分辨率
biYPelsPerMeter As Long ';LONG;VResolution 1 dword 用象素/米表示的垂直分辨率
biClrUsed As Long ';DWORD;Colors 1 dword 位图使用的颜色数。如8-比特/象素表示为100h或者 256.
biClrImportant As Long ';DWORD;Important Colors 1 dword 指定重要的颜色数。当该域的值等于颜色数时(或者等于0时),表示所有颜色都一样重要
End Type

Public Type rgbq 'RGBQUAD;
rgbBlue As Byte ' 指定蓝色强度
rgbGreen As Byte ' 指定绿色强度
rgbRed As Byte ' 指定红色强度
rgbReserved As Byte ' 保留,设置为0
End Type

Public Type iconimage '{
icheader As bmih ';DIB位图信息头:bitmapinfoheader // dib header,注:bmih 是我简化了bitmapinfoheader的名称。
' used: bisize, biwidth, biheight(xorH+andH)即2倍高度, biplanes, bibitcount, bisizeimage.
'all other members must be 0.
iccolors() As rgbq '[1]';色彩表:rgbquad // color table
icxor() As Byte '[1];byte // dib bits for xor mask:DIB结构的图像数据。XOR掩码?4bpp
icand() As Byte '[1];byte // dib bits for and mask:DIB结构的图像数据。AND掩码?1bpp
End Type '} iconimage

Public Type Iconfile
iDir As icondir '目录
imgDate() As iconimage '图像数据段
End Type


idreserved As Integer '; word // reserved (must be 0):保留字必须是0
idtype As Integer '; word // resource type (1 for icons):资源类型,1是图标,2就是光标了?
idcount As Integer '; word // how many images?:有几个图像
identries(0) As icondirentry
identries(1) As icondirentry
identries(X) As icondirentry
icheader As bmih
iccolors(0 to 15) As rgbq '16色
icxor(0 to 511) As Byte '3232
icand(0 to 127) As Byte '32
'--------------END file.




Public Type ICONINFO
fIcon As Long
xHotspot As Long
yHotspot As Long
hbmMask As Long
hbmColor As Long
End Type

'CreateIconFromResource 函数通过ICON图像资源位描述信息创建一个图标或光标,presbits:图像资源起始点指针,dwResSize:图像数据尺寸,fIcon:TRUE为图标、FALSE将创建一个光标,dwVer:指定创建的图标的版本号(Windows 2.x =&H20000、Windows 3.x =&H30000 ,在WIN32程序中使用的都是Windows 3.x格式)。失败返回NULL,成功则返回创建的图标的句柄(handle )。
Declare Function CreateIconFromResource Lib "user32" (presbits As Byte, ByVal dwResSize As Long, ByVal fIcon As Long, ByVal dwVer As Long) As Long

'GetIconInfo 函数取得与图标有关的信息。返回非零表示成功,零表示失败。函数返回时,由ICONINFO结构载入的位图必须由应用程序删去。hIcon 为由CreateIconFromResource 函数创建的图标的句柄即:CreateIconFromResource 函数的返回值。
Declare Function GetIconInfo Lib "user32" (ByVal hIcon As Long, piconinfo As ICONINFO) As Long

' CreateIconIndirect 函数通过GetIconInfo函数取得的ICONINFO(图标信息)创建一个图标,执行成功返回图标的句柄,零表示失败。
Declare Function CreateIconIndirect Lib "user32" (piconinfo As ICONINFO) As Long

'DrawIcon 函数在指定设备的指定位置画一个图标。返回非零表示成功,零表示失败。hdc:设备关联句柄,x/y:绘制图像的起点位置,hIcon:图标的句柄。
Declare Function DrawIcon Lib "user32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal hIcon As Long) As Long

'DestroyIcon 函数清除创建的图标以释放其占用的内存。返回非零表示成功,零表示失败。hIcon:图标的句柄。
Declare Function DestroyIcon Lib "user32" (ByVal hIcon As Long) As Long

Dim tmphIcon As Long
Dim IconShow() As Byte
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Dim lTemp As Long
Dim lSize As Long
Dim freefn As Integer
ReDim IconShow(743) '等同于前面第3节中定义的iconimage结构。
freefn = FreeFile
Open App.Path + "\11.ico" For Binary As #freefn
Seek #freefn, 23
Get #freefn, , IconShow
Close #freefn
lTemp = DestroyIcon(tmphIcon)
lSize = 744
lTemp = CreateIconFromResource(IconShow(0), lSize, 1, &H30000)
DrawIcon Picture3.hdc, 0, 0, lTemp
tmphIcon = lTemp
End Sub
以上代码只是取到抛砖引玉的作用,并不表明任何其他意图。同样,使用CreateIconIndirect 函数创建的图标也可以直接用DrawIcon 函数函数显示。

【BMP文件格式分析(zz)- -】:
【icons in win32】:

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