
获得SQL Server数据库的信息可以使用DMO组件或直接获取系统表的信息,例如表,视图,存储过程等存在sysobjects表中,列的信息存在syscolumns表中。如果要获取OLEDB数据库的信息,例如Access的数据库。

首先引用COM组件Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.x Library和Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.x For DDL...

string strConnection = “Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=“C:\\Test.mdb“;

ADODB.Connection conn = new ADODB.ConnectionClass();
conn.ConnectionString = strConnection;

conn.Open( strConnection , "Admin","" , 0 );

ADOX.Catalog ctg = new ADOX.CatalogClass();
ctg.let_ActiveConnection( conn );

// Get tables info from oledb database
for( int i = 0 ; i < ctg.Tables.Count-1; i++)
Console.WriteLine( ctg.Tables[ i ].Name );

// get columns information from a table named test.
ADOX.Table table = ctg.Tables[ "Test" ];
for( int i = 0 ; i < table.Columns.Count - 1; i++)
ADOX.Column column = table.Columns[ i ];
Console.WriteLine( column.Name + “\t“ + columns.Type.ToString() + column.DefaultSize.ToString() );

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